Virtual Art Space
Room Customizations →

Room Details

Room details button in the editor
Room Details button

The Room Details panel allows you to change metadata about your room.


This is the title of the room or exhibition.

Organization or Artist Name

Appears below the title of your room in multiple places around the site.

External URL

If filled out, your organization/artist name appears as a link to this URL in the gallery view.

Call to Action / Donation URL

If this and the next field are filled out, a button to this URL appears in the gallery view.

Call to Action / Donation Text

If this and the previous URL field are filled out, a button with this text appears in the gallery view.

Open Graph Image

This dropdown contains all images you've uploaded to this room. When selected, this image appears as a thumbnail when someone shares your gallery URL on social media, as well as what appears on the coming soon page if your show is scheduled to open in the future. If this dropdown contains no images, use the artwork uploader to add an image to your room.